Marathons? Been there, done that. The wall? Who cares. Limits
of endurance? We sneer at them.
If youre the kind who likes to push your body to the limit and
then some, do we have a sport for you. Classic triathlons generally
involve a long-distance swim, an extended bike race plus a distance
run thrown in for good measure. One right after the other. The
strange thing is, the triathlon attracts thousands of new type-A
personalities every year. And the sport is still is growing.
The commitment to being a triathlete is a significant one. You
literally sculpt your entire life around your workouts. Think of it
as adding another full time job to your full time job except that the
second job, triathlete, burns about 3000 additional calories a day.
Still, the feeling of accomplishment from this commitment is
astounding. Most triathletes cant see doing things any other way,
and wind up being in the most magnificent shape that the human
body can possible be in. Its a level of activity thats hard to walk
away from, which is why most triathletes continue some kind of
extreme conditioning regimen through their entire lives.

773.525.7866 2001 North Clybourn Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60614